As a CARE centre member, you have access to our Supports Training & Access to Regulated-employment Services (STARS) program.
This program supports Internationally Educated Nurses who have decided to settle in the province of Ontario.
The Supports Training & Access to Regulated-employment Services (STARS) program welcomes and supports Internationally Educated Nurses who have decided to settle in the province of Ontario.
A client–centred and accessible customized service. Based on a comprehensive assessment a highly experienced team of case managers guide Internationally Educated Nurses through the regulatory and settlement processes with the goals of successful registration, sustained employment and social integration. Services are provided in a culturally sensitive environment, respecting the uniqueness of all members. The CARE Centre case management program model places the IEN at the centre of everything we do. Starting with an in-depth nursing readiness assessment, our case managers work with each IEN to develop an individualized action plan to provide:
As a CARE centre member, you have access to our Supports Training & Access to Regulated-employment Services (STARS) program. This program supports Internationally Educated Nurses who have decided to settle in the province of Ontario.
Many of our clients have the most inspirational stories and have graciously shared their experiences here.
365 Bloor Street East, Suite 1901,
Toronto, ON M4W 3L4
(416) 226-2800
© 2025 All rights reserved | Charitable No. 84420 5948 RR0001