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Case management service at CARE Centre is:

A client–centred, evidence-based relational practice, distinctive in its accessibility and customized scope. Based on a comprehensive assessment, a diverse inter-professional team of experts guide Internationally Educated Nurses through the regulatory and settlement processes with the goals of successful registration, sustained employment and social integration. Services are provided in an atmosphere sensitive to the uniqueness of all members

The case management program model at CARE Centre puts the IEN at the centre of everything we do. Because nursing practice is not standardized around the world, CARE Centre’s case managers do an in-depth nursing readiness assessment of each new client. The results will highlight each IEN’s strengths and pinpoint areas for improvement. A custom action plan is developed in collaboration with the client and based on their unique needs. The plan is designed to guide IENs to the most expedient, cost-effective academic, skill development and employment supports they need to be successful on their path to registration. The case manager also guides the IEN on the final preparations for registration exam success, including any additional submissions or testing required by the College of Nurses of Ontario, the regulatory body. CARE Centre also offers observational placements in a variety of healthcare settings at any time during the IEN’s licensing preparation, and assists with job search strategies and referrals to employment opportunities. The length of time the IEN will spend completing the CARE Centre program depends on their individual circumstance and the options open to them in achieving their goals.

Natolina, Grace and client Nayana Khristi

CARE Centre for Internationally Educated Nurses

128A Sterling Rd #202, Toronto, ON
M6R 2B7
(416) 226-2800

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