Mentoring Program

"I found OJS placement an opportunity to know more about an organization, work environment and enhance communication skills. OJS allowed me to reflect on my own professional practice and my readiness to explore the Canadian healthcare system."
"OJS is a great opportunity to learn about the Canadian health care system and for employment networking.”
This is a unique in person learning experience in which IENs, partnered with expert ​
nurses, observe work shifts in hospital, community or long-term care facilities and increase IENs understanding of nursing roles and scopes of practice particular ​health care settings

Observational Job Shadowing placement (OJS)

Observational Job Shadowing placement (OJS)is a unique opportunity to be partnered with an expert nurse and OBSERVE firsthand, the nursing profession in Ontario, at one of our partner healthcare organizations.


OJS covers 2- 3 shifts in a facility – NO HANDS ON CARE – OBSERVATION only placement.

Benefits of OJS:

  • Increase understanding of the role and scope of practice of a RPN and RN in various healthcare settings
  • Orientation to the Canadian Healthcare System, workplace culture and expectations
  • Learn the importance of Interprofessional team and therapeutic communication
  • Networking opportunity increase level of confidence
  • Supports IENs RNCAP and SPEP preparation and employment readiness

Time Commitment:

Length of the mentorship is for 1 month (1-2 hour meeting per week for 4 weeks) via telephone and/ or other  electronic means. The expert nurse (mentor) and IEN (mentee) will arrange the schedule that is mutually agreeable to both parties.

Eligibility Requirements & How to Apply:

  • VM Application
  • Learning Plan
  • Signed VM Agreement Form
  • Current resume
  • Attend mandatory orientation
  • VM reading materials

OJS Testimonial

The VM sessions with an expert nurse were very helpful. It helped me to gain an insight into how community nursing works, especially with regard to pediatric nursing in community settings. She walked us through how a day shift and night shift would be. She explained in detail how to manage emergencies and hurdles that have been seen in the community settings. It seems to be a good opportunity to look for work in community nursing and it's something I would consider making a career of.

Virtual Mentoring Placement (VM)

Virtual Mentoring placement (VM) is a unique opportunity to meet an expert nurse and contact with the expert nurse will be made via Zoom or other electronic means and will provide IENs an opportunity to ask questions regarding various nursing topics and to learn about specific worksites and the role of nursing within those sites.


VM covers 3-4 online meetings within 1 month period

Benefits of VM ​

  • Increase understanding of the role and scope of practice of a RPN and RN in various healthcare settings
  • Orientation to the Canadian Healthcare System, workplace culture and expectations
  • Learn the importance of Interprofessional team and therapeutic communication
  • Networking opportunity increase level of confidence
  • Supports IENs RNCAP and SPEP preparation and employment readiness

Eligibility and How to Apply

  • Mentoring Program application form
  • Learning Plan
  • Signed OJS Agreement Form
  • Current Resume
  • Attend mandatory orientation
  • Paid $30.00 accidental insurance fee
  • Proof of Immunization
    Proof of complete
  • Covid – 19 vaccination
  • OJS reading materials
Contact your CARE Centre case manager to apply.

Virtual Mentoring Testimonials

Thanks to the VM and OJS sessions arranged by CARE Centre for IEN, I’ve become more familiar with the culture and language of the Canadian nursing profession. The OJS allows me to observe in the Surgical Oncology unit and the Veterans Centre. I'm happy that I had the best of both worlds in this OJS, observing both acute care and long-term care. My communication skills and practical nursing skills have been greatly strengthened. .

CARE Centre for Internationally Educated Nurses

365 Bloor Street East, Suite 1901,
Toronto, ON M4W 3L4
(416) 226-2800

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