As a single mother of four young children, coming to a foreign country was a big challenge financially, psychologically, socially and emotionally. On top of that I had to face all the frustrations and uncertainties which came with the licensing process. My story changed, however, when I joined CARE Centre. CARE Centre conducted a nursing readiness assessment which turnout out to be an important tool in reminding me that I already had knowledge, skills and experience in the field of nursing. I will always be grateful to CARE Centre for restoring and rewriting the pages of my nursing history by giving me confidence and a learning platform. With CARE Centre’s help I now have a job I love at Sunnybrook Hospital as an RN in the Cardiac ICU.I also mentor fellow IENs as a case manager with CARE Centre. I have a daughter finishing medical school, with the rest of my children pursuing other studies. As the inaugural winner of the CARE Centre Joan Lesmond IEN of the Year Award, I know the award also celebrates immigrant success in Canada.