CARE Centre Graduation Ceremony 2023
It is the end of a beautiful chapter and the beginning of a new exciting nursing journey in Ontario for many of our Internationally Educated Nurses and we at CARE CENTRE are very proud and honored to be part of it.
We would like to take this opportunity to celebrate the success of our IENs who have passed their registration exams and registered with CNO as RNs and RPNs. We collectively congratulate you all for your hard work, commitment, perseverance and dedication to becoming tomorrow’s Nursing Leaders in Ontario. We are more than honored and privileged to have with us Dr. Leigh Chapman, Chief Nursing Officer of Canada to join our celebration as a keynote speaker.
We take great pride in all of you, so please join us, celebrating YOU!
Your Success is our Success.
Please feel free to invite your family, friends and colleagues to this beautiful celebration.

Leigh Chapman, RN PhD Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) Health Canada
Dr. Leigh Chapman is committed to advancing the nursing profession in Canada to ensure equitable access to quality care. As CNO for Canada, she provides strategic advice to Health Canada, plays a convening role on key nursing issues, and represents the Federal Government at public forums.
Leigh is a registered nurse (RN) who received her PhD from the University of Toronto’s Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing. Over the past 20 years, she has gained a deep understanding of nursing by working in both frontline and clinical leadership capacities. In addition to her role as CNO for Canada, Leigh continues to work at a community-based consumption and treatment site in Toronto, where she provides harm reduction services and frontline care.