Indigenous Health: Part One & Two

CARE Centre for Internationally Educated Nurses

Indigenous Health: Part One & Two

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PART ONE: Oct. 9th – Overview of the history, cultures, rights and health needs of Canada’s Indigenous communities. As you are probably aware there is grave concern in Canadian society regarding the health and wellbeing of our indigenous people. This webinar will enhance your understanding of the current situation and the issues specific to Indigenous health care.

PART TWO: October 28th – Building upon workshop 1 which covered the history of First Nations, Inuit and Metis people in Canada, this 2nd workshop will focus on the role of nursing in working in and with First Nations, Inuit and Metis people. The workshop will address Nursing’s history in relation to Indigenous communities, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission recommendations specific to Nursing and Nursing education and apply the College of Nurses competencies to nursing practice with Indigenous People.

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

2024-10-09 @ 09:00 AM to
2024-10-28 @ 11:00 AM

Registration End Date



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