In September 2010, I met my first CARE Centre case manager, Norma Tomlin, RPN. I took the nursing readiness assessment and it revealed gaps. I was advised on how to improve my nursing skills by taking specific courses to supplement my knowledge. Together we developed an action plan on how to achieve my licensure goals. I successfully passed the exam in October 2011 and met my second case manager, Loy Asheri, RN. I also started an RPN position in primary care at the Oshawa Community Health Centre. I received the results of my RN assessment from the College of Nurses of Ontario indicating that my initial education was not enough. With Loy’s support, I pursued the bridging program at George Brown College and York University, completing the program with a Summa Cum Laude distinction in October 2015. I received my RN designation in January 2016 and gained an RN position at Halton Healthcare in Oakville under the Nursing Career OrIENtation program. CARE Centre keeps me constantly updated on upcoming workshops and videoconferences which promote continuing competence on my part!