Integrating Internationally Educated Nurses Into Canadian Practice

Nursing is the backbone of any healthcare system. In Canada, nurses are the largest group of regulated health professionals, but the size and capacity of the workforce have not kept pace with the growing demand for care. Four in 10 nurses intend to leave the profession, leave their job, or retire within the next year. There are obvious fixes: improving nurses’ work-life balance, increasing the labour pool, introducing technology to promote efficiency, etc. But none of these solutions can be implemented without significant innovation. And the future of Canadian healthcare hangs in the balance

In this Future in Focus on Nursing, we are celebrating National Nursing Week by bringing industry leaders together to share their visions for what Canada must do now to advance our healthcare system and ensure quality of care for patients and quality of life for healthcare workers. Ultimately, it’s not only about nursing, but about revamping our entire healthcare ecosystem.