The program aims to increase the IEN’s understanding the role of the scope of practice of a nurse in a particular health care setting and better acquaint them with the language and culture of the Canadian workplace. An opportunity to show various workplace settings helps to introduce IENs to employers. and connect with expert nurses to answer their questions/inquires.
You need to be a CARE Centre Member to participate in OJS and VM. If you are not a CARE Centre member, apply today!
OJS covers 2- 3 shifts in a facility – NO HANDS ON CARE – OBSERVATION only placement.
OJS covers 2- 3 shifts in a facility – NO HANDS ON CARE – OBSERVATION only placement.
"When I obtained my RPN license, I was very anxious about fitting in and operating equipment in a Canadian health institution. I wondered if things like BP machines, thermometers etc. would be the same as the ones I used in my home country. Observational Job Shadowing Program gave me the opportunity to familiarize and I learned that though different, it is not a problem. Practicing nursing in Canada was not such a giant after all!"
Virtual Mentoring placement (VM) is a unique opportunity to meet an expert nurse and contact with the expert nurse will be made via Zoom or other electronic means and will provide IENs an opportunity to ask questions regarding various nursing topics and to learn about specific worksites and the role of nursing within those sites.
VM covers 3-4 one hour virtual meetings within 1 month period
Thanks to the VM and OJS sessions arranged by CARE Centre for IEN, I’ve become more familiar with the culture and language of the Canadian nursing profession. The OJS allows me to observe in the Surgical Oncology unit and the Veterans Centre. I'm happy that I had the best of both worlds in this OJS, observing both acute care and long-term care. My communication skills and practical nursing skills have been greatly strengthened. .
Contact your case manager to get started.
365 Bloor Street East, Suite 1901,
Toronto, ON M4W 3L4
(416) 226-2800
© 2025 All rights reserved | Charitable No. 84420 5948 RR0001
The Supports, Training, and Access to Regulated-employment Services program (STARS) is funded by the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development Ontario.