Bredin Centre for Learning Delivers with CARE Centre’s LCN Program
Bredin Centre for Learning, a non-profit organization in Alberta, recently purchased a license for CARE Centres’ Language and Communication for Nurses program including the Foundations online offering and all three levels of in-class course curricula. Bredin Centre’s programs are designed to meet the labour market requirements of their communities and include licensed certificates in the healthcare field, occupational training, international credential bridging and literacy programming. “Bredin Centre for Learning works with over 500 internationally educated nurses. Our nurses are at various stages of licensure and language skill level,” said Debbie MacDonald, Executive Director. “The main barrier faced by our clients is language and communication skills within the Canadian health care system. When we looked to develop curriculum for these clients to meet their various language needs we decided to partner with CARE Centre. We have been delighted with both the support and training provided to our staff.
This partnership will certainly benefit those clients we serve.” CARE Centre language instructor Gyongyver Angi delivered a “train the trainer” session for Bredin Centre’s staff in the summer. “The teachers said the curricula was very useful to them as it provided them with theory and role-plays, scenarios, video and audio materials they could use for practice,” noted Angi. “They loved the structure of the material, and were also impressed by the quality of our audio and video materials. They were eager to try out the e-Learning Lounge during the demonstration too.” CARE Centre can leverage its experience and investment in language and communication for nurses curriculum development by customizing the program for individual organizational needs. For more information, contact Joanne Roth at
IELTS Prep for Nurses with Ea International

In light of the changes implemented by CNO in January 2013 related to how applicants are required to prove language fluency, it became evident IENs were undertaking the IELTs assessment in greater number than previously. In order to support our members in being successful in these assessments CARE Centre sought out possible partners able to design and deliver a preparation course specifically for IENs. In July 2013 CARE Centre partnered with Ea International to deliver a 25-hour pilot course over 5 weeks. IELTS instructor Eiline Delena says grouping nurses together to study for the exam is a very effective strategy in ensuring success. “When nurses practice together, they are all working to achieve an IELTS benchmark of 7 or 7.5 in listening, so you can cater to their similar goals. Getting those 7s is not easy. Students who get an 8 or 9 in CLBA (Canadian Language Benchmark Assessment) still find IELTS difficult. I’m an immigrant too so I really identify with them – what a difference it makes to achieve that IELTS score to get licensed and employed.” The course also provides a one on one feedback session with the instructor and recommendations for additional practice exercises. Future courses will be posted on the website. For more information visit